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  • Croatian erotic anthology of seven short stories directed by Irena Skoric, all revolving around sex and relationships. Five of the stories following the intimacies of straight couples, where the 6th and 7th stories revolve around a lesbian couple and a gay couple.  安娜情欲史
  • 尼娜是一位法国教师,也是尼基莎的单亲家长,她痴迷于包办婚姻的概念。当一位退役军人和另一位年轻人来到公寓时,他们的生活发生了变化。
  • 对音乐的天赋和热情可以使人达到顶峰。然而,在路上,将会有演艺圈的陷阱。其中包括金钱、名气和粉丝群。在这个名气如此难以捉摸的世界里,一个年轻女孩能为自己的梦想而奋斗吗?一个备受争议的选秀节目“音乐竞赛”一直在全国各地寻找有才华的歌手。谁将开始一个事业,谁将得到一个冷水澡的决定总是由三个陪审团决定:一个曾经很受欢迎的歌手,…
  • 对伊朗家庭长大的希琳来说,接纳显得很难:她的家人不知道她是双性恋;前女友不懂为什么她不肯出柜;听她上课的孩子们太难以管教。在弟弟大张旗鼓的向家里宣布自己的婚事后,希琳悄悄开始了自己的的反叛,她希望活出自我,同时想明白为什么会和前女友闹掰...◎QAF
  • 宁静的东北小城澜河,因一桩离奇杀人案掀起波澜。当地著名企业红桥集团发生命案,一夜之间三人被杀,犯罪嫌疑人杨四(胡军饰)在逃亡途中被抓捕归案,但刑警队长关宇(陈建斌饰)在审讯途中发现诸多疑点而严红桥原配王萍(邓家佳饰)似乎与案件存在千丝万缕的联系。随着关宇的调查深入,一段横跨1990年到2005年的东北往事浮出水面。
  • 骆驼复仇记HD
    In Meshal Aljaser’s exhilaratingly madcap thriller, a young woman stranded in the Arabian desert races to be home before curfew under the threat of extreme punishment from her scary strict father.
  • 当一个人的心脏时钟停止了跳动。因为她的命运,现在,贝拉的心能够跟随爱的标志,再次寻找她久违的灵魂伴侣。
  • 狮城之歌1958HD
    based on true events that happened in Singapore in April 1958. The studio workers of Shaw Brothers are on strike for better pay and to support workers who have been sacked, they organised a variety show to collect funds and donations. During the show, Malaysian film legend P Ramlee and his best friend Jamil Sulong wrot…
  • 黛安娜的婚礼HD
    They never stop loving each other, even if they from time to time can't stand the sight. Liv and Terje is observed by daughter Diana fr om baby to her leaving home. The world's worst parents, not even trying to do their best.  Komedien Dianas bryllup er en h?ylytt hyllest til de som hiver seg hodel?st inn i kj?rlighete…
  • An immensely powerful and nuanced portrayal of a family torn apart over a little Muslim boy's future.